St. Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century said that humility "consists in keeping oneself within one's own bounds, not reaching out to things above one, but submitting to one's superior" (Summa Contra Gent., bk. IV, ch. lv, tr. Rickaby). This seems to indicate more a recognition of our own finitude and acceptance of our place within the created order. The article in Wikipedia goes on to further emphasize this sense of the word by clarifying humility in this way - "Humility comprises the following behaviors and attitudes:
- submission to God and legitimate authority;
- recognition of the virtues and talents that others possess, particularly those which surpass one's own, and giving due honor and, when required, obeisance;
- recognition of the limits of one's talents, ability, or authority; and, not reaching for that which is beyond one's grasp" (
This certainly elucidates something of what we're trying to communicate when we say "humility." However, I think there just might be more to it. A full orbed understanding of humility is only understood in light of a real encounter with Christ. He is the definition of humility - apart from Him we only have a fragmented understanding, which ironically is a word that should point us toward humility - that is "understanding" comes as we "stand under" the influence or authority of some object.
Humility is the Creator and Lord of the universe washing His followers feet. Humility is the Son of Man coming not to be served, but to serve and give His life as a ransom for many. Humility is being in the form of God, but not considering equality with God something to be grasped after, but rather emptying Himself becoming a slave obedient all the way to death. Humility isn't a concept - it is a Person and a way of life. Maybe clothing ourselves with humility is the same as clothing ourselves with Christ - that may not really clear things up, but it engages us in the journey.
This way of life opens us up to receive the gifts of God and to walk in a trusting relationship with Him. It opens us up to have genuine relationships with each experience true community. Given the brokenness of this world, our communities, our churches, our families and our lives - I'm not sure that we've gotten this humility thing down yet. At least, I know that I haven't. It requires a radical change in our mindset and because of grace I believe it becomes an impossible possibility for us. May we follow the foot washing, life giving example of Christ today, opening us up to receive the Giving Gift and experience the blessed life.
Until next time - Blessings in Christ ~ RLS