Monday, January 29, 2007

The Cost

The price it too high...the cost is way too high! I imagine something like this went through the young ruler's head when he encountered the all encompassing cost of discipleship.

"Surely God wouldn't want me to squander all the blessings that He has poured out in my life, by offloading them on the poor. They are poor for a reason, such uneducated and slow-minded people would only waste my money! They would likely pour it all down the drain...and for what - a few moments of self-induced pleasure. What a waste!

Well, he must not be the prophet and teacher that I thought he was...sell everything I have and give it all to the poor - what a lunatic. He's got to be nuts! The other commandments, those I can abide by, I'll follow the teachings of Moses till I die. But, to follow this man - No! The cost is too high.

What a waste of my time. I actually thought that he might be the One; the Messiah that we've been waiting for...the one to deliver us from Roman rule. Well, I'm much better off under the rule of Cesar, rather than under the leadership of a man like this. I guess I was wrong."

When I think of the cost of discipleship, I'm not only lead to this biblical image, but I'm also reminded of the amazing witness of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Not only because he wrote a book, that when translated was given the title The Cost of Discipleship, but also because of the life that he lived; a powerful witness of that all consuming cost. This book of his begins with these words, "Cheap grace is the mortal enemy of our church. Our struggle today is for costly grace." Words that we need to hear again and again.

I often find myself in "God's story" sounding much like the Rich Ruler...making excuses because the cost is too high. I search for theological reasons that might ease my conscience. But, then I hear the voice of the Master - come and follow me. At first, the words sound harsh and demanding because I don't want to listen, I don't want to follow...I want to go my own way, make my own rules, be my own boss. My immediate reaction is, No! The cost is too high!

But, the voice persists...Richard, come and follow me! I listen again, and the harshness seems to melt away, I begin to hear the compassion...the love...the costly grace. And the more I listen the more I understand that the call is costly, but that it is the only way. It is the only way to the life, purpose, love, and peace that I truly desire. It is the only way to life with God. Listen closely and you just might hear the voice calling to you..."Come, follow me." Listen closely.

More about Bonhoeffer

I would encourage you to read Bonhoeffer's book, it is probably one of the best books out there on the subject. Karl Barth seemed to thinks so, here is what he had to say in his little book The Call to Discipleship, "Easily the best that has been written on this subject is to be found in Discipleship, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer. We do not refer to all the parts, that were obviously compiled from different sources, but to the opening sections, "The Call to Discipleship," "Simple Obedience" (omitted in the earlier English-language editions), and "Discipleship and the Individual." In these the matter is handled with such depth and precision that I am almost tempted simply to reproduce them in an extended quotation. For I cannot hope to say anything better on the subject than what is said here by a man who, having written on discipleship, was ready to achieve it in his own life, and did in his own way achieve it even to the point of death. In following my own course, I am happy that on this occasion I can lean as heavily as I do upon another." Blessings ~ RLS

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