Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Prayer & The Body

I've been thinking a lot lately about our bodily posture in prayer and worship. Most of the people that I talk to tend to think that our posture doesn't matter in these actions, but I'm beginning to think otherwise. It seems to me that this devaluing of our posture in prayer and worship is simply another aspect of our devaluing of the Body in general in our culture. It is another detrimental aspect of our dualistic cast of mind. Position and posture seems very important in other traditions - I'm wondering if we may be missing something here. What do you think? Does our position and posture in prayer matter? Does this reflect our general attitude toward the body? Just thinkin'...until next time - Blessings in Christ ~ RLS

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Prayer posture is supremely important. It can add revrence, fear, love, praise, humility, heart of worship. If you look to the scripture you will see people prostrate, kneeling, standing with hands raised.

On a personal level I find I can focus on my prayer time much better if I am in a proper position. If position doesn't matter why should we even close our eyes???