Sunday, February 10, 2008


I told someone today that like Amos "I'm not a prophet nor the son of a prophet." There is not a lineage of pastoral ministry in my family. I come from, well also like Amos, a family of farmers and skilled workers - you know, HVAC repair folk, electricians, plumbers, and food servers. Yet, for some odd reason God called me into pastoral ministry. My one desire is simply to be faithful.

I suppose that it is good to focus on our desires during the season of Lent. Sara and I have given up television. It is never easy. I find that my addiction to television has increased tremendously since graduating from seminary, which is a little strange since we don't even have cable. I usually turn the t.v. on when I get home from the office to catch the news, and it stays on the rest of the evening. It becomes a constant noise and distraction in our home - but it is an addicting distraction. Hopefully, the time and space opened by turning off the television will allow me to engage in higher pursuits - spending quality time with my wife, praying, reading, thinking, writing.

Back to the Amos thing. I don't have much of a sounding board in this type of situation. Out of a desire to continue honing my preaching skills, I will periodically post one of my messages. I would appreciate honest feedback. You can listen to the message from today - the first Sunday in Lent here. Until next time - Blessings in Christ ~ RLS

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