Monday, July 28, 2008


Since I began the lead pastor thing, I've noticed that by Monday morning my brain is fried. Yet, I come into the office anyway with great expectations - if I'm not stepping on Dicken's long buried toes - and through much persistence I'm able to get a little bit accomplished. However, the creative juices don't usually start flowing again until Tuesday or Wednesday.

Reading and prayer usually help me to re-energize, yet cultivating a fruitful imagination while engaging in a draining life in ministry is becoming a challenge. I was just wondering if anyone has suggestions for overcoming the Monday haze - or the ministry haze that sometimes captures more than our Mondays. What habits or practices keep your imagination engaged and growing? What enables you to maintain focus and clarity? I'm even willing to try some off-the-wall ideas as long as it doesn't involve anything illegal ; )

Have a enlightening week! Until next time - Blessings in Christ ~ RLS


~ Marty Alan Michelson, Ph.D. said...

Enjoy your life, with your wife, whom you love, all the meaningless days that God has given you. For this alone is what God had given you. (Summarizing Ecclesiastes 9:9)

Sara said...

Thanks for stopping by, Marty... I'll try to take the "Teacher's" (Koheleth's) advice.

Richard said...

Opps... I didn't realize that it was logged in under Sara... that was earlier comment was from me.